Rev. Lauren Patrus-Betzel
Rev. Lauren Patrus-Betzel
Wisdom begins in wonder...

I am the Associate Pastor at First Presbyterian Church of San Leandro, just south of Oakland, CA. I am new to the West Coast - a southern girl who spent just enough time in Europe to be affected by it, a former middle school teacher and elementary minister who remains passionate about the needs of all children and families, and a lover of: my family, coffee, wine, traveling, being outdoors, yoga, good books and my dog, Henry.  

I am a graduate of Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA.

This blog is a place for my reflections - things I write for ministry purposes (prayers, sermon excerpts, etc) and other pieces as I explore this mysterious calling of ordained ministry.  

I'm an explorer and an inquirer and an interrogator of words, ideas and individuals, and have a hard time claiming anything is absolutely true, because much tends to be lost in translation.  

I am grateful for the mysterious love and compelling grace of the Divine who is shockingly near while remaining ungraspable.

Listen to sermons by following the links:


Some (old) sermon videos: 



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